When Do Children Need Urgent Care for Cold and Flu Symptoms

Did you know that around 18 million Americans had to visit a health care provider during this year’s flu season? Although the cold and flu are a minor inconvenience for most people, children and elderly people are at a higher risk due to their weakened immune systems. If you’ve got young kids at home, it’s important … Continued

What Is an EKG? Here’s What to Expect From the Process

You are sitting at your desk, working as normal, when you feel as though you have a weight on your chest that you can not remove. Rightfully panicked, you make your way to the nearest urgent care facility. The doctor looks you over and recommends an EKG to see what’s going on, but what is an … Continued

5 Telltale Signs of Bladder Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

As you age, you might begin to notice changes in how your bladder behaves. Frequent urination or small bladder leaks can be common bladder issues that develop during your later years. However, sometimes these annoyances can be signs of more significant bladder problems.  If you’re too young to be experiencing bladder problems that often come … Continued

A Comprehensive Guide to Ear Infection Treatments

The ear infection treatment market’s hit a growth spurt as it’s value raises $2.79 billion these next few years. While market growth’s usually positive, a rise in ear infection treatments means more people have ear infections. Ear infections aren’t limited to kids, but 5 out of 6 will get one by age 3. Before knowing how to proceed with treatment, … Continued

A Painful Problem: Can a UTI Go Away on Its Own?

Healthcare professionals see 7 million office visits from people with a UTI every year.  A UTI isn’t just an uncomfortable annoyance to brush off. Ignoring your symptoms can compromise your health and drain your bank account. Urinary tract infections cost patients over a billion dollars annually on hospital bills. Urinary tract infections are one of the most … Continued

7 Key Benefits of IV Hydration Therapy

Water is an essential part of our lives. We need it to survive and thrive on a daily basis. In fact, 75% of an infant’s weight and 55% of a senior citizen’s weight is made entirely of water. You can’t neglect the importance of staying hydrated! However, there’s an easier way to stay hydrated than downing … Continued

How to Define a Strain vs. a Sprain

Many people consider a sprain and a strain to be the same thing. In reality, these are two separate types of injury. While they both have to do with soft tissue damage in a joint, often due to tearing or over-stretching, there are key differences between each term. Knowing what they are can help you … Continued

Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever: Fact or Fiction?

There are millions of cases of the common cold in the USA every year, with each adult American having a cold two to three times a year. With cold symptoms lasting anywhere from seven days to three weeks, that’s a lot of time to spend having a cold! Because of the prevalence of colds, there’s … Continued

Can STD Symptoms Appear The Next Day?

The chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease comes with any sexual act. Even if you’re careful, you run the risk of coming into contact with an STD. As a sexually active person, your responsibility is to be informed and prepared. Practicing safe sex is the first defense, but knowing what to look out for … Continued