Can STD Symptoms Appear The Next Day?

The chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease comes with any sexual act. Even if you’re careful, you run the risk of coming into contact with an STD. As a sexually active person, your responsibility is to be informed and prepared. Practicing safe sex is the first defense, but knowing what to look out for … Continued

The Top Horseback Riding Safety Tips

If you’re lucky enough to know what it’s like to fly through a field, wind in your hair, with a 1,000-pound animal carrying you like you’re light as a feather, then you know the appeal of horseback riding. After all, there’s nothing that gets as close to the feeling of flying as galloping on horseback. … Continued

UTIs in Men 101: The Top Signs You Have a UTI

When most people think of UTIs, they think of women. But the truth is, men can get UTIs too. UTIs, or Urinary Tract Infections, also known as bladder infections, can cause many painful and unpleasant symptoms. UTIs are not something to mess around with as they can lead to other infections outside of the bladder … Continued

Cold vs Flu: What’s the Difference?

Sneezing, stuffy nose, and sore throat? Is it a cold or the flu? It can be hard to tell the difference since both share similar symptoms. But with 12,000 to 79,000 flu-related deaths every year, recognizing cold vs. flu symptoms can be the difference between life and death. Want to know how to tell the … Continued

Splinter Removal 101: When to DIY and When to Go for Urgent Care

Splinters are perhaps the common cold of injuries. Most people throughout their lifetime will have a few experiences with a foreign object embedded underneath their skin. Despite a widely believed assumption, splinters are not just the pieces of wood children gets stuck with running their fingers over an old banister. A splinter can refer to … Continued